Caulking & Recaulking Surfaces

In the kitchen, caulking needs to be placed around the sink to protect the base cabinets from sink overflows. Also, it is a good idea to put a bead of caulk along the seam where the countertop and backsplash meet if a seam exists.
Placing caulk around the interior and exterior of all windows and doors will cut down on air leaks and also protect from water leaks. Any exposed exterior seams along the edges of siding also need be caulked to prevent siding damage.

In bathroom areas, the most common seams that need caulking are those around sinks, vanity backsplashes, bath

If any caulk seams in such areas are dried out, cracking, or pulling away from the surface, those seams need to be re-caulked. Re-caulking an area involves the removal of the existing bad caulk, thoroughly cleaning the surfaces to be sealed, and applying a fresh bead of caulk. As a general rule, homeowners should do a visual inspection inside and outside their homes every six months just after summer and after winter. The Bizzzy Bee is ready to handle all of your caulking needs. Call us today!

tubs, showers, tub or shower surrounds, and baseboard trim. One common mistake that homeowners make is sealing the seam between the toilet base and the floor. This is one area that needs to be left bare. If a toilet leak develops and the base is caulked, then the homeowner won’t be aware that damage is occurring to the sub-floor since the leaking water doesn’t have anywhere to go except under the flooring.